How to verify your organizational domain?

This article serves to help clarify one of the main steps that you as an organization must take: verifying your domains.

You want to add a new asset, let's assume that is a new domain but our system asks you to validate your Domain so our system can verify and test it.

First of all why do I need to verify my own domain if I want to test it?

Well you need to verify it just so we know that we are testing an asset that really belongs to you and that you are not a malicious actor trying to test something that they shouldn't test.

So it's important to you to verify your domain, but how do you do it?

  1. Go to your organization machine event.
  2. Click on Add button.
  3. Select domain, insert the name of your domain and click on Add button:

    Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 16.00.12
  4. Now you just have to follow that mini-guide that's presented to you:

    Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 15.59.54
  5. After adding your TXT record with our provided value, your domain will become automatically verified. But you can also click the Verify button to test if the configuration was successful. Note that some records may take a while to propagate.

If for some reason you could not follow these steps but you are the owner of or have authorization to test that asset in particular please send a message to our support team so they can help you verifying your domain.