How to invite new organization members?

In this article we want to provide you a quick guide of how you should invite new members to your organisation in Ethiack's portal.

To add members to your organization, you should not sign up a new member in the same way as you did initially during the onboarding process to register your organization.

This will lead to errors when registering the new member you want to add, such as indicating that the organization is already registered.

So what's the right way to do it? That's what we want to clarify next.

To add a new member to your organization, you must log in as the owner that registered the organization. This can also be done from an admin user. Then go to Settings and in that window go to the Members tab.

In this tab you can see which members are already registered and which roles have been defined for them.

You can also click on Invite on this tab to add a new member up to the maximum contracted limit. The number of seats available for new members can be found next to the Invite button, indicating free seats for new members as we can see from the following example.

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10.28.21

After you click on Invite to add a new member to your organisation, a small pop-up will appear:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10-31-58

In this window you will need to indicate the email address associated with the new member you want to add, as well as their intended role.
There are currently two roles on the Ethiack portal, as shown in the image above.
The roles are as follows:

Admin : Can manage the organisation, billing and invite other users.

Analyst : Have limited access to core features.

After you have the email and role defined you should click on "Invite" and your colleague should receive an email indicating what are the next steps in the onboarding process that he should do. After the onboarding process is finished by your colleague he will have access to your organisation and you will be able to see the new user in Settings -> Members as we see in the beginning of this article.