IP Address Validation

Find out how to validate public IP addresses

On Ethiack events, we need to ensure that you own public IP addresses before adding them to scope.

In order to do so, we need you to verify it by sending a request to our API by following the steps below.

  1. Go to https://portal.ethiack.com/settings/api and generate your API key and secret
  2. Retrieve your event slug from the URL of the event page. For example, if the URL is https://portal.ethiack.com/events/x-m1, the slug will be x-m1
  3. Send a POST request from the IP address you want to add to the API endpoint below
curl -X POST -u [API_KEY]:[API_SECRET] \
https://api.ethiack.com/v1/events/[EVENT_SLUG]/scope/assets/add \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"type\": \"ip\", \"value\": \"$(curl ifconfig.me)\"}"

Note that you need to replace [API_KEY], [API_SECRET] and [EVENT_SLUG] with the values you generated in step 1 and the event slug you retrieved in step 2. The IP address will then be added to the event scope.

You can find the documentation of the Ethiack API here.